United States of Europe

The United States of Europe, commonly referred to as the European Union, is slated to become the world's #1 superpower and center for world government in the not to distant future.

Today, the European Union is composed of 25 member states (out of a total of 43 European countries), 10 of whom, mostly from central and eastern Europe, have just recently joined the Union as of May 1, 2004. These 25 member states now boast a combined total market of 500 million people, as compared to the US population of nearly 300 million. In essence, the new Europe has more people, more wealth, more trade and more votes in every multilateral international institution on Earth than the USA.

Truely the new Europe is a rising global superpower, soon to surpass the USA on the world stage, and is ALREADY operating today as a de-facto embroyonic world government in world affairs.

Former President of the ex-Soviet Union Mikail Gorbachev once stated that in order for a 'New World Order' to be successful it must have 3 ingredients; political, economic and religious union. Politically, the United States of Europe weilds the power of 4 of the world's richest G-8 nations (United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy), economically, the City of London will soon overtake New York City in the United States as the world's premiere global financial capital (if it hasn't already done so), and, the Vatican in Rome is considered the world's center, base and stronghold for organized global Christianity- whose adherents comprise nearly 1.5 billion people, 1/4th of the planet's population.

While the USA plays the role of the 'negative dialectic' to the positive polarity of a rising BEAST world government in Europe (evolution through hegelian division and synthesis), plans are also in place to make Jerusalem, Israel the world's religious capital once Catholicism is destroyed by the International Jewish Elite (as prophesized).

Religious fascism will inevitably enter therein, due to drastic failures to unify and implement the political, economic, social and religious dimensions of global goverance for mankind, hence the protracted elevation of Man to diety (on the holy temple mount in Jerusalem- the Creator's foundation stone for Earth), leading to the collapse and assured destruction of human civilization according to Scripture.

Jonas the Prophet
Planet Earth


1. ***Book- The United States of Europe
by T.R. Reid, copyright 2004, Penguin Books
Website SEARCH: http://www.amazon.com

2. McAlvany Intelligence Advisor
166 Turner Dr, Durango, Colorado 81303 USA
Phone #: 1.800.525.9556
Website: http://www.mcalvany.com/mia3.asp

3. The Prophetic Watch
P.O. Box 276, Holyoake, Colorado 80734 USA
Website: http://www.thepropheticwatch.com

4. ***Books- War and Globalization AND The Globalization of Poverty
by Michel Chossudovsky
Website: http://www.globalresearch.ca

5. ***Book- The European Dream
by Jeremy Rifkin
Website: http://www.foet.org

6. World Affairs Council
312 Sutter St, San Francisco, California 94108 USA
Website: http://www.itsyourworld.org

7. Yes Magazine
P.O. Box 10818, Bainbridge Island, Washington State, 98110, USA
Website: http://www.yesmagazine.org

8. Turner Foundation
133 Luckie St- NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 USA
Website: http://www.turnerfoundation.org

9. Open Society Institute
Attn: George Soros
400 W 59th St, New York, New York 10019 USA
Website: http://www.soros.org

10. The Rising Beast of Revelations
Website: http://www.geocities.com/zionhouse88

11. The European Union
Main Website: http://www.europa.eu.int

12. International Jewish Empire
Website: http://www.geocities.com/westcoast774

13. Global Economic Collapse
Website: http://www.geocities.com/farawayspace

14. Republic Broadcasting Network
1015 South Mays St- Suite 100
Round Rock, Texas 78664 USA
Website: http://www.rbnlive.com

15. Prophet's Master Links
Website: http://www.geocities.com/seraphim2017/master.html

URL of this site: http://europac.20m.com